Visiting Naksan Park near Hyewha has got be the highlight of this trip. This place appeared on one episode of 'Rooftop Prince' and feature artwork paintings and sculptures created by locals. I was determined to find it, and glad that I did.
Face-off mural right after alighting from Hyewha Station.
The Naksan Public Art Project was undertaken to allow local artists to expressively showcase their talent in this otherwise bland neighbourhood.
Artworks are everywhere on the wall, pillars and stairs. This place has been transformed into a art street gallery.
I was really impressed with the work pieces.
A breakthrough, literally.
Tiles on the wall.
This is my favourite.
Closer look at the details and colours. Excellent job!
Interestingly, home owners welcomed the idea to have their walls decorated. It definitely spice up the area.
Just you and I.
Even the meter box are creatively lined.
Sculptures can be found at the park. Let's tango.
Relieve my itch, please.
Overlooking the beautiful neighbourhood.
Just you and I #2
Man and his dog.
A really tall robot
Interesting meter box cover.
Take a rest.
House of dogs.
The art project transformed the previously old and forgotten town.
Stairs, connect those living up the hills, come alive with the vibrant flower motifs.
In a party mood.
The flowers motivate one to climb up the steep stairs.
Greeted by a friendly smile.
Ok. A not so encouraging painting.
Scientifically challenged.
Marvel comic heroes.
Home with a view.
Just you & I #3.
This brightly coloured frontage is actually a barber shop. Its iconic decoration is a meeting point to start the visit to Naksan Park if you take the reverse route.
I had a lot of fun visiting Naksan Park. I am glad the Korean Government has taken effort to spruce up the neighbourhood with such a wonderful art project. With its excellent and elevated view, this place is a must-see if you ever visit Hyewha. I certainly enjoyed shooting the art pieces that decorated the park.
And another travel trip awaiting....
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