Tuesday, 5 June 2012

D o n g d a e m u m & T o y S t r e e t

Dongdaemum, literally East Gate.
Flowers blooming in the summer sun.
You lead and we shall follow.
Dongdaemum is known for its street stalls
Street stall #1
Street stall #2
Shoes at a discount.
Rear view of Dongdaemum.
Spare a heart.
Across the road, modern shopping malls replaced the old street stalls.
Cheonggyecheon Canal.
More shoes.
Women accessories, shop till your heart content.
Changsin-dong Toy Wholesale Market.
This street has got to be the equivalent of ToyR'Us.
...in any cartoon characters that you find
Stuffed toys
Children's paradise...
...and parents nightmare.
Looking for a super soaker.
For the boys.

Other than Changdong-sing toy street, I do not find Dongdaemum interesting. For all its hype of being a shopping haven for women, even my wife did not enjoy it. Perhaps we were tired from the walking, but if ever I come across a reason to visit, I might consider to return.

And another travel trip awaiting....

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