Wednesday, 12 June 2013

T e d d y B e a r M u s e u m

 We finished Day 1 with the visit to the Teddy Bear Museum.
 Teddy Bear Museum here has hundreds of bears from all over the world.
 Some of these were made as early as the 1920s, and are very well preserved.
 The invasion of Normandy.
 Neil Armstrong and his Apollo landing.
 The Fab Four - Beatles.
 Terracotta bears.
 Micheal Jordan, you the man!
 Mini bears display cabinet.
 I heart you.
 A typical Joseon village festival.
 The near touching of hands of God & Adam.
The ever popular Elvis Presley....
....and his possible replacement - the Gangnam man Psy.
Family portrait.

Although the museum is small, it has a wide collection of classic and antique looking bears. Some of these bears cost an arm or a leg, and probably not for sale. It was a good ending for the day as I get to use the 25mm lens. Somehow, the IQ from this lens is amazing, with crisp and sharp images. I am looking forward to use it more in the next few days.

And another travel trip awaiting....

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