Sunday, 16 December 2012

T r i c k e y e M u s e u m

Today, we visited Hongik. I have seen the photos taken by an ex-colleague when she visited the Trickeye Museum, and I thought it would be fun for the family. It turned out we had a great time there.
The museum is discreetly located inside a building just behind this street.
Keep the film rolling.
Threes' a crowd.
Er, where did the apple drop from?
Money hunger.
Who's sharing with me?
Fish on!
Laugh at my leggings and I'd jab you.
It's mine, mine, mine...
Oh my, you have grown since the last time.
Here...keep it if you want.
High-class uppity waitress.
Heh... please watch where you touch.
Ok, we need a new iron, and a new maid. You are fired!
Give me that, you fatso!
Seems like she's a headhunter.
Oops. Nice pokka dots though.
Oi! Can't you read the sign?
Not tonight, dear.
Let's go. Time for your bath.
Where should I put this one next?
This happened when I flex my muscles, so don't mess with me.
Up where I belong, eventually.
Watch out! The next Rain has arrived.
Doing her favourite pass time, as always...
...and his too. Oops!
Money money money...its a rich man's world.
Ha! Loser...
Sign me up for the next Mr Universe.
Who ever get to dine with the emperor. Lucky girl.
Barring the cold, we live to fight another day. Food!
Hi Fashion time.
Star-studded Christmas tree, literally.
Inside the Avenue of Stars.
They are my stars, always.
Dinner time is always with a feast.

It is heartening to know that my planning of the trip has turned out well, and everyone is enjoying it so far. Sometimes, it is not the quantity of activities to fulfill, but the quality of valuable time to spend with each other. I wishfully hope we have more of these holidays together, while we can still actively participate.

And another travel trip awaiting....

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