Friday, 10 June 2011

S e o u l 3

Day 3 was spent with a little of sightseeing in the morning, and all of shopping the rest of the day. I do not fancy shopping, but it was really fun doing it here. Minus the department stores, I did not mind the street stores. 
Our hotel is close to Namsan Tower so we took a slow walk there.  
An inclined lift system that we took to take us to the foot of Namsan.
 Then another cable car to take us up to the top.
This is where the unfortunate thing happened. My camera battery died and I forgot to recharge the spare one. Good thing I have the fun camera with me.
I called it a fun camera because of its pop-art rendering output.
A symbol of LOVE at the Namsan Tower.
A Korean cultural dance. Pardon the out-of-focus images. The fun camera has its limitations.
On to Namdaemum Market to shop shop shop...
I prefer street shopping anytime.
Namdaemum Market is a traditional market that sell almost anything at affordable prices.
You can pick up nice household decoratives and accessories here.
Not forgetting food produce...
...and soccer jerseys of your favourite player.
The best shopping has to be at Myeongdong, a main tourism district.
Myeongdong covers a km square grid with local and international brands of mid to high price range.
It is popular with tourists and younger people. 
The streets are filled with cosmetic shops and they have exuberant sales staff to promote their products.
Not forgetting the street food. There are plenty on offer.
Recycling for a good cause, and some pocket money.
The atmosphere in Myeongdong is always vibrant and busy. 
Mobile carts filled the street when evening approaches, adding to the variety of products already on offer.

I must say I liked Seoul after this trip. It has a lot to offer in terms of places to see, food to eat and loads of cafes to chill-in. The train system is excellent, and we used it daily to get to our destinations without any hiccups. Overall, the cost of living is not high as compared to Japan. I certainly enjoyed what I see and perhaps, be planning a return with a comprehensive itinerary next.

And another travel trip awaiting....


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