Wednesday, 10 December 2008

T o k y o

Our return trip from USA allowed us a stopover at Tokyo with a small fee, and we gladly spent a few days there. The extended family joined us in Tokyo and together, we visited several new places like Nikko & Hakone. I simply love Tokyo, and Japan!
 This is the resting lounge at the top floor of our service apartment. The furnishing here is very tastefully done.
 Tokyo's famous JR train in operation.
 Morning has broken....
 ...and its time to hit the street!
1st stop: Ueno Station and Yamashiroya, where Sharon probably has to be their biggest supporter because she must come here very time we are in Tokyo
 Yamashiroya is a toy store, all 7 floors of it. Impressive!
 They sell just about any toy, and is a child's haven. Actually, adult too.
 Here we go, the thrill of the unknown reward.
 The older folks would love Ameyayokocho. It is a street stores and market place along the foot of the train tracks.
 Obasan looking for cheap buys. Grab!
 Au contraire, a lone ojisan checking out across the road.
 From Ueno, we proceeded to Asakusa. It is almost an automatic choice of destination after Ueno.
 Nothing much to shoot except a different perspective of the pagoda temple.
  Odaiba is another automatic venue of interest. Liberty looks better in the day.
Our adventure ended with a visit to the Meiji Shrine.
 And we were fortunate to spot a wedding possession in progress.
But the rain did not bring joy to this couple. What a letdown from the weather.
Who else wants to tie the knot?

I could be a tour guide since I have been to Tokyo many times, and is familiar with the places of interest. It is not difficult to travel around in the local train system, if you do your research well in advanced. With this confidence, we ventured out of Tokyo to Nikko, our destination for the next few days.

And another travel trip awaiting....

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