Our driving holiday finally ended in London, capital city of the United Kingdom. After spending more than 10 days on the road, we decided to take it easy in London. We returned the car and visited the places of interest by foot and used the tube.

The iconic London Tower Bridge

Westminster Bridge with the House of Lords & Big Ben on the background
A monotone to reflect the London mood.
London Eye, and no we did not ride on it. Wife didn't like the idea of being hung so high up, and we were quite broke by then.
Big Ben...
...And with London Eye.
Westminster Abbey
Modern developments along the River Thames
London is a vibrant and multi-cultural city, and with it come the exciting arrays of plays, food, shopping and nightlife. It is considered the largest city in Western Europe, and everyone seems to love this city.
On a sad note, I did not appreciate a single bit of London and what it could bring. Perhaps it is a place of too much happening. After I have experienced those laid back and peaceful days, I did not find London comfortable. The contrast was too huge, and I just did not enjoy the sudden change. Well, I hope to give it another chance though. Perhaps.
And another travel trip awaiting....