Saturday, 9 February 2013

O M D - E M 5

Olympus OMD EM5 was launched in 2012 and I have been holding back with great might not to buy it. But resistance is futile when I have the chance to own one at a cheaper price.
I was scouting for the lowest price locally but the purchase didn't materialise. It is still expensive here despite the drop in yen. The chance came in a visit to Tokyo recently, and I immediately bite the bullet and got myself one. I bought a body-only set, hand grip, eye-cup and a spare battery, all within a very favourable exchange rate.
What better way to test out the camera than the street of Tokyo & its surroundings. I attached the hand grip, mounted the 50-200mm with a 4/3 adapter, and hit the shutter buttons a few hundred times in my short 7 days there. I must say, I should have gotten this camera earlier. Nonetheless, it is never too late, and I am going to enjoy using my new toy more.

And another travel trip awaiting....

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