Monday, 8 September 2014

T a i w a n - 陽明山 / 野柳

After yesterday's long and tiring journey, we decided to go slow today. We planned a day trip out to several popular places, taking the north-eastern road. Without a hired transport, getting to our destinations would take ages. The weather did not help much, because it was hot! Thank goodness, we rode in the comfort of our taxi.
 We started off the morning with a visit to Yangmingshan National Park 陽明山國家公園
 We decided to check out the popular steaming fumaroles of Xiaoyoukeng 小油坑, a post-volcanic landscape that is still active with underground water residual heating up.
A closer look at 小油坑.
Rotten egg (sulphur) smell lingered the air as the steam escaped.
A closed-up of a fumarole.
One for the memory.
It is a great way to travel around the park by scooters, if the weather stays dry.
Visitors resting and having a footbath in the hot spring water.
There is a male and female onsen each, where one can enjoy a soaking for free.
We stopped at Qingtiangang 擎天崗 next.
擎天崗 offers visitors a relaxing walk on it vast grassy meadows, with promises of easy or challenging hiking trials at all levels of fitness.
We decided not to venture too far and took the kindest climb to the nearest hill.
From here, we could see wild buffalo roaming freely in the grassland.
With their dung freely deposited as they roamed.
 Our guide Kevin towers above everyone. He is 1.87m tall!
A parting shot before we leave 陽明山.
We went further north to Yehliu Geopark 野柳地質公園 but after looking at the waves of tourists there, we decided not to enter into the park.
Instead we strolled outside for a quick look-about.
Kevin knows a good spot for photo taking and we headed there.
We climbed up this limestone mount, and realised we are not the only one who know this scenic spot.
Limestone formation with jagged edges.
This is a popular spot for fishing I was told. 

Today is the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節. 中秋節 is a public holiday here and everyone has taken the long weekend holiday to travel out. Kevin has forewarned us to be prepared for a bigger than expected crowd throughout the country. With this mentality, we headed for Jiufen 九份, our next destination.

And another travel trip awaiting....

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