Wednesday, 19 March 2014

K a w a g o e

We planned our Spring break to coincide with our wedding anniversary and the destination that we have decided on is Tokyo. It is cherry blossom time but unfortunately, our available travel period did not allow us to see the full blossoms. We are one week too early. 
Nonetheless, I am determined to make the most of this trip to visit new places, savour our favourite kushiyaki, shop till we drop and enjoy the ever warm hospitality in a rather cold but lovely weather.
Our first visit is to Kawagoe, an old town that is about half an hour North-east of Tokyo by express train. 
Kawagoe is like Takayama, except that it is smaller in scale.
The Edo period buildings are well preserved and have been converted into businesses targeting the tourist money.
Spring is also pollen season, so out come the face mask for those with allergy. Here, the children learnt the art of differentiating tea leaves.
A shop selling umbrellas.
Simply translated as 'seeds', but it should be grains.
Make a guess what these are crafted from. Any ideal? 
Yup. Its charcoal.... What an art!
And these are paper-made toys and globes. So traditional.
Colour thread cords waiting for the next winter knit to come.
We came across this shop selling traditional toys and decorative made from fabric. 
As long as there's a cat, it would catch our attention to enter.
This is an excellent shop to pick up souvenirs for families and friends, and save us the last minute hunt on what to buy later.  
Kawaii. Though expensive, every piece is intricately well hand-made.
There is a lane called Kashiya Yokocho (Penny Candy Lane) that has shops selling traditional toys. It is like walking down a memory lane.
Party masks. Pick your character.
Those with a sweet tooth would fancy a scoop or two of these coloured candy. 
Oversized sculptures are found along the streets. A local artist has them displayed in Kawagoe as part of an attraction.
Miles Away, and you could smell the burger. It is that good.
Hungry? Don't be fooled. They are your prizes from the 'claw' machine. 
Japanese Koi outside a shop. See how well-kept the Koi are and 'un-littered' the water is? The carps will not survive in the open like this in Singapore, if you know what I mean. 
Leaving the old town, we entered into the shopping street of Crea Mall. 
With a Superman's blanket, this toddler is well protected.
Cut it out and stop horsing about.
Kitty grooming comfortably in her insulated home.
This was taken the night before. Sitting here is the lovely family of Konoki-san, who has been so kind to host my sister & brother in-law for 5 days. They came before us to Tokyo and we arranged to meet up for dinner. We had a great dinner and a wonderful time bonding. Kudos to Konoki-san for ordering the delicious food, and Jonathan for footing the bills. Arigato gozaimasuta! Now, we hope to make it an annual event to meet here in March, if time permits. 

And another travel trip awaiting....

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