Saturday, 25 August 2012

I L o v e M y B i g m a

Yes. I succumed to temptation and I bought myself the Bigma! Well, not exactly that big but since the switch to m4/3, I only have light gears so I would regard this as the biggest of the lot. It weighs a kg and a foot long when fully extended with the hood. I would still consider it as small if compared with the Nikon 80-200mm or the Sigma 50-500mm that I had.
 The Olympus 50-200mm SWD next to the 50mm Micro
I have been trawling the net for this lens awhile, and when I saw this item advertised in the forum yesterday, I just have to make an offer. I got it used at a price that I find is reasonable, and true to the seller's description, the lens is in great condition. I have yet to take the bigma out so I resought to test it at home. All photos are unprocessed and jpeg straight out from the camera.

 Voyeur I am not but I found him tending to his plants outside his unit 10 storey above. Not for the faint hearted green fingers.

I am satisfied with my new toy, and this lastest purchase should complete my 2nd system for micro and tele-photography. I hope to take this on my travel, especially on a field trip to Hokkaido to capture the beauty of these birds. I get my inspiration everytime I see Paul's work. Awesome!

And another travel trip awaiting....

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