Saturday, 25 August 2012

I L o v e M y B i g m a

Yes. I succumed to temptation and I bought myself the Bigma! Well, not exactly that big but since the switch to m4/3, I only have light gears so I would regard this as the biggest of the lot. It weighs a kg and a foot long when fully extended with the hood. I would still consider it as small if compared with the Nikon 80-200mm or the Sigma 50-500mm that I had.
 The Olympus 50-200mm SWD next to the 50mm Micro
I have been trawling the net for this lens awhile, and when I saw this item advertised in the forum yesterday, I just have to make an offer. I got it used at a price that I find is reasonable, and true to the seller's description, the lens is in great condition. I have yet to take the bigma out so I resought to test it at home. All photos are unprocessed and jpeg straight out from the camera.

 Voyeur I am not but I found him tending to his plants outside his unit 10 storey above. Not for the faint hearted green fingers.

I am satisfied with my new toy, and this lastest purchase should complete my 2nd system for micro and tele-photography. I hope to take this on my travel, especially on a field trip to Hokkaido to capture the beauty of these birds. I get my inspiration everytime I see Paul's work. Awesome!

And another travel trip awaiting....

Monday, 13 August 2012

E 6 2 0 - First Impression

I took some test shots using my newly acquired E620 with the 50mm micro and I loved it! I kept the camera on simple settings, and I was able to capture some images in its barest form. 
 I matched the camera with the 50mm micro and the combination is simply a joy to use. Although auto focusing is not fast, the speed is adequate for me to track my subjects.
 In this shot, by using the extension tube, I was able to micro-zoom to capture my subject's lashes.
 My model posing willingly whenever she is needed. Too bad she does not get any model fee, except some kibbles.
Look at the hair on the Llama's back, it is that sharp.
 My other model taking his position
 And this one getting bored from the waiting.
 Putting the pinhole art filter effect to good used.
I am satisfied with the overall performance of the E620. Although Auto Focusing is not fast, it compensated in terms of image quality. I do find the slow processing annoying when I shoot with the art filters. It is not fast for continuous shots. 
Moving forward, I would like to match a 50-200mm lens with this camera. Sounding kind of strange here since I have dumped the heavy gears when I moved to m4/3, but I still have a soft spot for maybe just one tele-lens. This 2nd system would primarily be used for distance and micro photography, something I hope to improve on.

And another travel trip awaiting....

Friday, 10 August 2012

New Toy - O l y m p u s E 6 2 0

I was browsing the forum hoping to find a good deal for the OMD-EM5 when I chance upon this. I do not know much of this camera except that it belonged to the 4/3 system. Having read so much about the legendary E1, I just got to give this camera a try. Yes, it is not in the same league as the pro E-series, but hey, I am not a pro nor do I have a deep pocket for the E5. So I settled for this entry level camera and anyway, it is the man behind the camera that makes a good picture.

The deal was done and dusted after several SMSes, and I must say I am satisfied with its conditions and price. I have gotten a good deal. I cannot wait to try this camera out, and hopefully with it, will come a few nice lenses.

And another travel trip awaiting....