Robots in disguise. More than meets the eye....
This post documents a new hobby of mine. I have been a fan of Transformers and their movies, and recently, I have revived the interest to collecting toy figures. I picked up my first Autobot from Hong Kong in 2009, and in between then, have only managed a couple more. These are mostly copies from toy manufacturer Hasbro. Besides Hasbro, I know from my visits to Japan, that there are G1 Transformers from Takara Tomy as well. I have seen many in the departmental stores there, but have never really thought of getting it, until lately. This is after I started browsing Carousell, and I got hook since.
The Transformers that I am crazy over now are from Takara Tomy or Hasbro Masterpiece series. These are the first set of 3 that I bought. See how valiant and heroic they looked? How many of you could turn a blind eye when in a toys section? Boys will be boys regardless of how old they are. Once you feel one of these Masterpieces in your hands, I bet it would bring out the child in you again.
This Hasbro Bumblebee was bought in Hong Kong and it stands at 14" tall. It is the first Transformers that I have. I have resisted opening it until recently, when I noticed it has turned orange from the original bright yellow. I gather it must have discolored from being exposed to sunlight in our previous home. I have placed it too closed to the windows. Bumblebee has a tan now. What is most amusing is, its feet (covered by the box) still retains its original bright yellow. He he he....(12/6/2009)
Along with the Bumblebee, I also bought Optimus Prime from the ROTF movie series. OP stands shorter at about 9". These 2 were picked up from Tai Yuen Street in Wanchai, a popular local neighbourhood known as the Toy Street. Besides Japan, Hong Kong is another great place for toys shopping. An excellent place to start is in Mongkok, where few buildings are dedicated to hobbyists who likened it as a toys haven(12/6/2009)
Now, back to the Masterpiece series. Here's OP, aka Convoy in Japan. I bought it used but mint-in-box from this seller, who impressed me with his loads of collections. He has at least a few hundreds of action figures in his crib, some even occupying fully in his wardrobe. (11/9/2015)
I like the Masterpiece series because of its part die-cast metal body, especially on the larger toys. The toy articulates very well, and the details on it are simply awesome. All Takara Tomy Masterpieces come in their signature black box with gloss picture of the character labelled on the front. (11/9/2015)
As its name implies, the Masterpiece is a toyline created for collector-focused fans who do not mind paying a premium for the quality. Most in the series is discontinued while new or reissued ones are quickly snapped up upon launch. You have to always on the look-out and quickly pre-order it before they are gone. (11/9/2015)
I have missed the boat on many in the series, and have to settle for resale copies. A mint-in-sealed-box popular or limited copy could cost 2-4 times more in the secondary market. Take this Thundercracker for example. A MISB copy can fetch up to $400 now but its original launched price was only 7840 Yen. (15/9/2015)
Since I don't intend to resell it, I have decided to get those that are used and mint-in-box, unless a cheap MISB comes along. There are copies available in the secondary market that have been well taken care of and come with box in good condition. I would usually spot these and negotiate further if I buy more items from a seller. (15/9/2015)
This is a Walmart Hasbro exclusive. Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker form the Masterpiece Seekers series where they share the same mold, but retooled and redecoed into its own character. They are in fact a 1/60 scale of the F15 Strike Eagle, a US air force fighter jet that is widely used in many countries, including Singapore. (15/9/2015)
One of my favourite Autobot faction is the Dinobots. They appeared in the movie: Age of Extinction. Of the 5 dinobots, Grimlock is the only one that is in the Masterpiece collections. I hope Takara makes the rest of the dinobots soon. (23/9/2015)
I could not resist and bought the King Grimlock too. It comes with a crown and a throne. This redecoed T-rex has better colour coatings of silver and gold, based on the G1 Marvel comic. (23/9/2015)
This is my current favourite, and the most expensive collection. This scale down version of Convoy MP-1 and EVA 01 is a limited edition. According to reports, it was released in 2014 with 1000 copies for the Japanese domestic, 1929 units in Hong Kong, and only 376 units in Singapore. I was fortunate to find this MISB copy at the same price the seller has paid when he first bought it. It is so new that it came in its brown shipping box. I bought this along with King Grimlock and squeezed as much down as I could on the price. The seller told me that he has run out of space at home, so I offered to clear some space by off loading these items from him. Win-win! (23/9/2015)
This talking coin bank of Optimus Prime bust was added before my craving for the Masterpiece series started. (2014)
I also bought the talking coin bank of Bumblebee. Both the coin banks are products from the Age of Extinction movie. They are sealed and honestly, I do not know what to do with them. They occupy quite a space and they don't appeal as detailed as the G1 or 2 collections. (2014)
While waiting for good deals to appear on Carousell, I started to look at 3rd parties Transformers. These are toys made by manufacturers beside Takara Tomy or Hasbro, and they do not transform because of licensing issues. One of these 3rd parties is Kids Logic. They are from Hong Kong and they make miniature toy figures. I like the fact that their Transformers are small but big headed. Amusingly, I also like things stubby. Haha....(27/9/2015)
Kids Logic line of Transformers are Kids Nations and Mecha Nations. I am starting on the Kids Nations mini figures first, and I have picked up the first 2 out of 3 series. I am coming for you soon #3. The mini figurine stands at 3.5-4" tall, while Mecha Nations are 6" tall. These will probably form the foreground when I put my collections up to display. (27/9/2015)
What have gotten over me?!! Instead of focusing on collecting the Masterpiece series, I have strayed away. My fascination on all things Transformers got me to look even at other Hasbro action figures. This time, it is OP from the Year of the Goat Platinum Edition. My choice was actually Soundwave, that was on offer at OG. But I am late as the stock was quickly snapped up within a week. I went to 2 outlets and they are all gone! Instead I found this, which is also on offer. I did not want to leave empty handed and since it is cheaper than a used copy, the card was easily off the wallet. A no-brainer. (24/10/2015)
Ok, this is an impulse buy. I am not particularly keen on Megatron of the Masterpiece copy. If you have seen one, you would notice how scrawny his legs are. They are really, really thin. Who would want the leader of Decepticons to go head to head battle with Prime with a pair of chicken feet? He looks ridiculously awful! I know, he's supposed to transform into a Walther P38 pistol in alternate mode, but still? In fact, he looks better staying as a gun than in robot mode. Anyway while at OG, I spotted this pair also going at a discount. These Combiner Wars Megatrons look much better. Instead of a gun in alternate mode, Megatron transforms into a tank, hence it has thicker looking legs. Phew! (24/10/2015)
I am back - with a vengeance - after about 3 weeks of inactivity. If you could recall, I was unable to source anything that is from the Masterpiece series in my last few purchases. I have strayed into Combiner Wars and Hasbro Year Of The XXX series when my fingers itched. The secondary market seemed to have run out of the MP toys, until now. And I scored two hits at one go! I have finally laid my hands on Hot Rod/Rodimus Convoy. This very hard to come by Cybertron protector come together with its doppelganger Black Rodimus Convoy as a set. Being MISB and rarely available, I paid beyond my usual budget for the set. But it is worth it! Roddy is a popular character in The Transformers: The Movie. Those who watched, would remember his brave but impulsive nature when he fought alongside OP, often getting into trouble. He later took over to lead the Autobots when OP died, hence the add-on trailer in vehicle mode. Hot Rod is like the coolest car any collector will hope to have, and I have two! (19/11/2015)
More Masterpieces spotted at a great price. I grabbed this quickly along with the Bumblebee Gold. This MISB copy of Starsaber stands at 13" tall, even taller than OP of MP1. Since it is sealed, I will resist opening it. Self-control....(1/10/2015)
This is the Gen 2 version of Bumblebee, and in gold. The first G1 version came in the typical orange of VW Beetle. I would clamor that as well if one cheap one comes along. All together, Volkswagen has licenced 3 versions of the Beetle in this series. Guess what colour is the 3rd one? Yup, it's red! (1/10/2015)
This is my 2nd Ultra Magnus, after MP-2. Apparently, this is taller. When transformed into vehicle mode, it could carry up to 4 vehicular Autobots. At first look, it resembles very much like UM from the original cartoon series. It has the G1 feel that I like, but lacks the die-cast parts of MP-2. According to reviews, it does retain the rubber tires unlike the plastic ones seen on newer Masterpiece vehicles. This piece was acquired at MISB from a female seller. This is the first time I dealt with a female Tranformers hobbyist. She was very kind to transact out of her usual place in the East, by meeting me in town. To top it off, I got it at a price that is lower than the market going rate. Love it! (4/10/2015)
My pre-ordered Convoy has arrived. This is a scale-down Japanese re-issue version of MP-1 and comes with a trailer. MP-10 has been retooled or redecoed many times. The first being the original Optimus Prime 2.0, followed with Black Convoy, EVA Convoy, Year of the Horse Convoy, and the BAPE Convoy. As of now, BAPE Convoy is almost impossible to get, let alone the high price in the secondary market. I own 2 out of the 5 now, and I hope to have the full collections. Santa, are you listening....? (10/10/2015)
I have no intention to buy this masterpiece as my goal was to collect the original G1 series before moving into the other Masterpiece series. There is the G1 Soundwave MP-13 that I prefer, but the going price in the secondary market is not right. I started to offer this seller a month back for his used Soundblaster MP-13B, but he rejected my offer. He recently lowered his asking price and again, I offered below what he has wanted. I was just trying my luck since I am not dying to have this in my collections. Surprisingly, he came back and accepted my low offer. Either he is desperate or I am in luck! The item is mint-in-box with all the accessories intact. It came with the accompanied coin. Daebak! Now, I shall wait for a cheaper MP-13 to come along, as well as the Hasbro Year of the Goat Sound Wave to complete as a set. (18/10/2015)
I received 2 hits for this purchase along with the one above. Both were bought on the same day, at a price that I feel is very good and worthy. This is a mint-in sealed-box item and become my 3rd MP-10 size Optimus Prime aka Convoy. It is the Year of the Horse Platinum Edition released in 2014 by Hasbro. OP comes in an eye catching tall red and gold box, just like an Ang Pao (red packet). Instead of the usual silver chrome, red, and blue body, it has a gold chrome crotch with black and dark red thrown in. It also comes with a translucent trailer that I thought is pretty cool! It is so depicting a Chinese warrior and refreshing from the other Convoys. I now need the Black Convoy and Bape Convoy to complete this series. (18/10/2015)
Armada Megatron is a retool, repaint of Megatron in green and purple. It also transform into a Cybertronic tank with a large turret. Honestly, I find this much nicer looking than the all silver G1 Megatron. The tank treads on its rear body kind of make him fiercer looking. Its feeler-like horns add characters to the overall fighter feel. I do not know how this pair of Megatrons could combine as one, or with other Combiner Wars figures. I am still new to this series of toys. I do know that Devastator is a set of 6 Constructicons, and it is huge when combined. If not for the offer, I would not have considered to go into another Transformers range other than Masterpiece, which I still like best. (24/10/2015)
As they say, resistance is futile. I no longer could focus on collecting only the Masterpiece series, when there is not many available in the secondary market. Those that are available is either overly expensive, or in conditions that I do not fancy. I know that with patience, I will be able to wait for the right one to come along, like this one. Honestly, I think the seller is desperate because when I offered him a really low price (much lower than the lowest in Carousell), he finally accepted even though he has rejected it initially. The deal was done and dusted on the same day. I was amazed that this Starscream - the 2nd of the Year of the Horse series along with OP - is huge! It stands at almost 16" tall in robot mode. It comes brand new sealed, and even the box condition is like a C10. I was tempted to open it as I am excited whenever I see a G1 Transformers. The colours are like in the original cartoon and being nostalgic, I wanted to take it out immediately to play. Now I cannot wait for the cabinet to arrive. Am I sounding like a child waiting to open his present on Christmas morning? Haha....hehe....(31/10/2015)
As I have mentioned, Hot Rod/Rodimus Convoy is a very popular character. Takara is clever to come out with Black Rodimus Convoy to capitalise on his popularity. It is aptly named as a Destron Doppelganger. Like Skywarp of the seekers, Black Rod is a redecoed Roddy in black and purple, with a tinge of blue and teal. In the bio card, Black Rod was 'built' from the clone synthesizer to destroy Rodimus Convoy, stealing the Matrix from him to become the next Prime. In all battles, good will always triumph over evil. Black Rod eventually realised the purpose of his creation and atoned his mistakes by working with the Autobots to combat against the Decepticons. Awe.... During the deal, I have the privilege to converse with a die-hard Transformers fan. His knowledge of the characters is immense. My previous transactions were a hi-collect-bye, usually lasted barely 3 minutes. With this seller, we chatted for more than half an hour on his and my collections. We shared the same sentiments of the inflated secondary market, and the lack of space at home to house our beloved toys. We need a bigger house, and an understanding wife! Actually, my wife does not stop me from buying. In fact, we encouraged each other....hahahaha. (19/11/2015)
This is Optimus Prime from Transformers Adventures. I bought it together with the above LGs from Kiddyland at Harajuku, and I regretted it. Why regret? Because I have paid a higher price for them! My mission was to find cheaper action toys but I lose myself at the first shop I visited. Who would have known that Kiddyland, a popular toys store, would mark up these items so much higher? In my subsequent visits to the many toys stores and shops, the same products were going for much cheaper prices. I have over paid about $45 and was I mad! To add to insult, these were not even high on my priority toys to buy. I am going to boycott Kiddyland from now on. Hmph! (29/11/2015)
This Mp-25 Track is one of only two Masterpieces that I bought. I could still find it because it is considered newly launch and stock is available. I bought this at a shop in Akihabara and again, at a higher price than those that I found in Bic Camera, Labi or Yodobashi. Lesson learnt: Always check it out at these big stores first. They have a great selections of Bandai but limited on Takara Tomy products, but if you find what you want, it is guaranteed to be cheaper there. Too bad I don't fancy Bandai Gundam model kits as their prices are really good. Currently, the hot items are from Star Wars: The Force Awaken. The 1/12 scale model kits are much cheaper there. I was tempted, but decided not to stray off tandem. On hindsight, I should have picked up some to resell them on Carousell, to cut the cost incurred at Kiddyland at least. (30/11/2015)
I have finally landed Soundwave. After my 'failed trip' in Tokyo, I am back to hunting at Carousell. To be honest, it is more fun shopping online than searching aimlessly at the stores. Of course, it is a different feeling when you happened to chance upon one as you stroll along in your holidays. Just do not put it down as a mission so that you are not disappointed if you cannot find any. Now, back to Soundwave. This copy is MSIB and forms the last (I hope) of the big Masterpiece series. I do not think I will add on to the seekers, nor am I interested in Megatron for its skinny legs. I would love to have the BAPEs in green and red but they almost cost a leg or an arm, if not both. In other words, I would have completed the Transformers Masterpiece collections and will run out of things to buy. Now, is that good or bad? (11/12/2015)
A leopard never changes its spots they say. Hehe... Although I have almost all the bigger series, there is still the smaller Autobots to collect. Autobots are a faction of humanoid robots that transform into regular cars, trucks or other vehicles. Transformers Masterpiece has a series of these Autobots and I have deliberately leave these later as they are relatively easier to find. I have collected only three so far but I intend to complete the series for my next purchases. I have in fact offered a seller for two of his Autobots, but for a mere $5 difference, the deal was not completed. We each have our pride, so I moved on. Then I hit jackpot with this purchase. This seller has a set of five, all used and BIB. I do not mind it used, since these action figures are small and likely less transformed, unlike the bigger ones. Remember the Golden Bumble MP-21G? Now I have the original G1 Beetle. One more to go! (12/12/2015)
When I met the seller, he approached me with 2 plastic bags in his hands. I was disappointed when he opened up one, because he has the Autobots transformed in robot mode inside the plastic bag. The other bag consists of the boxes and coins. You see, I would rather have them in its original vehicle mode and inside the box. This way, I know they have not been displayed and kept away from dust. Nonetheless, I examined them carefully and did not find any broken parts, except one that has discoloration. Since he has given me a discount, I let it passed. (12/12/2015)
Streak is the only Autobots that the seller did not transform. That said, I hope it has no broken parts. Along with Streak, there is Silver Streak and Blue Streak, all redecoed under the Nissan Fairlady 280Z-T mould. There are a few Autobots sharing the same Nissan Fairlady mould actually. Beside Streaks, there are the retooled Prowl and Smokescreen, which I hope to get. I think I will leave the Silver and Blue Streaks last. (12/12/2015)
As I have mentioned, Prowl transformed into a Nissan Fairlady in vehicle mode. I like that it has a highway patrol badge collector's coin, and two missile launchers that is an extra accessory for the Asian exclusive. Looking at my list, there are at least nine Autobots from the G1 series that I am shortfall of. In the pipeline, there are three new releases in 2016. I shall not rush into the buying as I have spent substantially this month, especially from the holiday to Japan. (12/12/2015)
So as I was saying, when the resistance is weak, why fight it? It has been more than 2 months since I last picked-up any Masterpieces. Since then, there are several new launches from Takara Tomy but I have been good not to look at them. Moreover, I would be paying more than the pre-order price. The temptation started again when the wife bought me the Kids Nations set. This got me to purchase this, along with the one below. Both came with collector's coins, and below the market price. (27/3/2016)
Road Rage is newly launched and I got it brand new and cheap. From the cover box, this figurine is exactly the same as Track, MP-25. Except that this Cybertron is a She. She is in fact the first female Transformer to be in the Masterpiece lineup. Just like her name sake, she's a road hazard when in vehicle mode. And like the rest, I will not open or display it....yet. (27/3/2016)
Hot Rod is completely new. Unlike Rodimus Convoy of MP-9, this Roddy here does not transform into Rodimus Prime as it is without the trailer section. It is also smaller in size, and it comes with a new accessory - a fishing rod! Lol... I cannot wait to place this side-by-side with Rodimus Convoy and his doppelganger. (5/4/2016)
I have resisted from buying further action figures as I thought I could buy then in Tokyo, where we were heading for our year end holiday. I was thinking, since the toys are from Takara Tomy, I could easily find them in the many toys stores in Tokyo. I have listed down my to-buy list with the items in Yen and the places to shop, hoping to get it at a cheaper price. I was determined to collect the remaining Masterpieces and save some money. Boy, was I disappointed. Not only did I not find many Masterpiece, but those I found were either expensive and used. In fact, we have better selections here than in Tokyo. In the end, I bought only 2 Masterpieces, and some other from Takara Tomy. The above is a new collections from Transformers Legends series of the female Transformers: Blackarachnia, Slipstream and Nightbird Shadow. I was hoping to find the earlier series of Arcee, Chromia, and Windblade but I could not find any. (29/11/2015)
When I thought I have run out of luck in my search for anything Masterpiece, and since I have visited almost all recommended toys shops in Tokyo, I found this at Nakano Broadway. It is the only and last piece. And you thought that Nakano Broadway is the place for Otaku since it has Mandarake as its anchor tenant. Mandarake do carry Masterpiece but were mostly used, and expensive. For the same item and price, I could get a MSIB locally. I guess the Japanese collectors buy them at launched price, which is cheaper. Of my purchases, Mp-23 Exhaust is about the cheapest of them all. At least there is a consolation. Overall, I must say I am disappointed in my pursuit for Transformers Masterpiece in Tokyo. Of the 20+ items drawn up in my to-buy list, I could only find two. Anyone thinking like me to buy in Japan, please reconsider and hold back your purchases after reading this. You will have better luck buying from our local vendors or from Carousell. There is not much savings in the end, at least for Masterpieces. (1/12/2015)
This Lambor has discoloration on the white body. It has turned off-white, and the red darkened. I suppose it has been displayed for awhile. According to the seller, he bought it used. I took it for a 'bath' when I got home. Using toothpaste and a toothbrush, I scrubbed it thoroughly. It does look slightly better than before, or at least I have gotten rid of the dust and stains. Lambor comes in a black body as well, on the MP-12G G2 mould. I must resist the temptation to buy now. Cannot wait for 2016 to come sooner. (12/12/2015)
'I just can't do it Captain. I don't have the power!'. Yup. That famous Scotty quote is my sentiment now. I could not wait till 2016, and relented to my weakness to buy. Prior to this, I have shortlisted about five items from my wish list. I know that if I do not pick it up from the seller (under reserved) till 2016, I can avoid the urge to buy. Try as I might, I failed. This item came on sale and being MSIB with a collector's coin, I decided to offer a lower than market price. The transaction was smooth and pleasant, and Smokecreen is in my hands. As its name suggest, Smokescreen is fast and furious. He could outwit and outrun the enemies with a cloud of smoke, then turn around with a blast from his double missile launchers that would catch them by surprise. I personally like his red/blue/white combination, akin to OP. (27/12/2015)
I have finally laid my hands on the elusive Black Convoy. I had my eyes set on this but they don't come cheap or in good condition. When I saw this mint copy posted on Saturday, I quickly made an offer and soon was accepted. This Masterpiece would probably be the last jigsaw of my MP-10 collections. Along with Convoy, YOTH Convoy and EVA, I now have 4 out of 6 of the lot. At their exorbitant prices, I am not likely to acquire the Green or Red BAPE. They are nice to have, but they are just beyond my budget. Well, you cannot have them all. I cannot wait to lay out all the Convoys - in Cybertron and Destron forms, together. They would be a sight to behold. (17/1/2016)
This set of 5 completes my collection of Kids Nations mini figurine, and I have to thank my wife for it. She bought it in Hong Kong recently while she was having her holidays from work (and from She needed the break and none better than retail therapy sessions with fellow colleagues who would encourage each other to buy. I bet she had a great time, from the overfilled luggage that she casually strolled over when I picked her up at the airport. I have not bought any Transformers lately, and this addition might spur a spending craze soon. Watch out! (19/3/2016)
They don't make them like they used to. This would aptly described Ironhide, a long time cavalier of Optimus Prime. This chap is an old tool, but he is surely built to last. Takara Tomy completely mold this new from a Cherry Vanette, and would later retool this into Ratchet, MP-30. While I await for the latter, this Ironhide will sit comfortably with the rest of the collections. Its box is slightly bigger than the Autobots', which got me to think that it would probably be of the standard Masterpiece size. Now....should I open to verify? (5/4/2016)
Right now, you can only see the boxes where the items are kept in. When or if the display cabinet comes, I will surely display the action figures. Then, you would see the collections in action. So, be patient. Yes, the wife has given me permission to add storage space in the living room. This would allow us to display and store our toys. If you do not already know, my wife is a bigger fan of Japanese toys. Not Transformers, but Sumikko Gurashi. She also has loads of TY stuffed toys collected from years ago. If I were to compare our collections, mine would pale in comparison. Then again, she has taken years to collect while I have just started mine. So, stay tuned for more incoming Autobots and Decepticons....