If you are tired of the crowd and the busy happenings in Tokyo City, and you do not want to travel out too far to experience nature's peace and quiet, you must pay a visit to Tokyo's best kept secret - Todoroki Gorge.

Who would have believed if I say there is a gorge in the heart of Tokyo City? Well, not exactly a gorge but a small valley with a stream flowing through it.

This 1.2km park offers a reprieve to many in the summer months, with its lush tree canopies sheltering visitors from the heat.

I have set the camera on HDR and after a few shots, I liked it. I decided to use this setting for today's shoot. If you find the colour of the photos too dense for your liking, too bad! For the rest who favours rich colours, please enjoy the entries. Cheers!

This is the signature red bridge where we made our way down to the foot path below.

From Google, the Japanese red bridge symbolizes the crossing from one world to the next, from the profane to the sacred, and cleansing oneself to enter the pure world of nature.

The foot path is narrow, but accessible with fewer crowd. It may not be the same in summer where locals flock here to escape the heat.

Where there's water, there's mosquitoes. Fortunately, there isn't any in winter months.

It is refreshing to stroll at the park, enjoying the morning fresh air.

1.2km seems long, but it is rather short if you have all the time in the world. It is not the destination, but the journey that matters.

A tinge of autumn was spotted on the way.

More signs of autumn began to appear as we venture deeper into the park.

Here, there....

.... and everywhere. Did I tell you that I like Autumn and Winter?

A couple more of B&Ws for the anti-HDR viewers.

Lane changing bridge.

We spotted a shrine towards the end of the park. There's also a small cafe that serves beverages and light food.

Quench for the thirsty.

A steep staircase took us to a temple on a hill, and we were shrouded by more red and yellow leaves.

This shot brought out the vibrant effect of HDR to the max.

Colours of nature come together - wood, green, yellow and red.

Devotees praying for blessings.

A wide courtyard of the temple.

Viewing platform. Some how, I missed this out totally. It would have been an amazing sight overlooking the coloured leaves.

Most visitors did the reverse route like we did by strolling along the gorge first before arriving at the temple. This is because the entrance of the park is closer to the train station.

We bid farewell to our last destination as we spend the rest of the day street shopping closer to our stay.
It has been a wonderful holiday for us. Considering that we have just toured Japan in June, I was worried that we would run out of places to visit. True to my itinerary, we visited many new places and enjoyed every moment of it. Although we love Japan, we probably will give it a miss in 2016 as we also love South Korea as much. It is after all, our 2nd home next to Japan. Hahahaha....
And another travel trip awaiting....