This would be the most difficult post that I have to write. An eulogy that is filled with emotions, sadness, pain, but at the same time, relief. Saturday 17th October 2015 is the day I lost my beloved cat, Oscar. My buddy, my best friend for 16 years, had finally left us.

If you do not know, Oscar had kidney disease. His kidneys were failing and he almost died back in 2011. Miraculously, he survived under our care and after numerous visits to the vets. Not forgetting the absurd amount of money that we spent on the medical bills. Yes, it is a lot! He had the best medicine that we could give, as well as the attention that he expected from us humans.
In our bedroom, he was known as Oscar the King. He had drinking bowl brought in front of him when he did not feel like walking. He had new beds while other cats shared his used ones. When there was a cat fight, he would be the victim, even though knowing that he was the aggressor. Yup, I have spoiled him, and I never regretted my actions. Who would when he was such an adorable cat? You see, he had such a character bemused of a cat. His signature baby-liked cries had confused the neighbours. They clearly remembered we do not have children at home. His cry was so unique and annoying at the same time, especially when we longed for the extra sleep on weekend mornings. He became our alarm bell and he would not stop until either one is awake. At times, to stop his nonsense, I would throw the pillows at him. Before we know it, he was at it again. I will miss his morning cries....

Oscar started to sleep with me after we moved into our Sunset Way home. He would sleep near my feet but remain in contact with any part of my leg. In other words, when I move, he moved. He had a fascination on the draw-strings of my boxer shorts. He would pull them apart as a form of playing that we do nightly. He had started to sleep on my arm in recent years, a routine that caused my right arm to go numb as the night progressed. Whenever I took a nap, he would come and lay next to me. Automatically, he would rest his head on my arm or shoulder. How could I turn my beloved cat away, when he first showed his affections to me? Even my wife got jealous because her cat does not show the same affection. I will miss him lying next to me....

Since his ordeal with death in 2011, Oscar had to be given subcutaneous twice daily. In the beginning, it was a painful experience for him as we have to administer the thick needle into his back. Although he had gotten used to it eventually, I have not. Every time I injected the needle into his body, my heart would ache. Over times, I could see the bruise marks on his back. The fact that he had daily subcutaneous, medicine and supplements in order to live had me thinking how I could have made his life more comfortable. How I wish we have detected his failing kidneys early, and he need not have to go through the treatments. Being infected with kidney disease, Oscar had to be on a strict diet with little protein in his food. Imagine having to eat very bland flavoured food for all your meals, and not to mention the medicine and supplements that go with it. Like a child who refused the bitter medicine, he would mess up the cushion that he sit on, by swinging his head and let flying the food from his mouth. Initially, I would scold and fight as I feed him. I slowly empathised when he refused to eat. I have learned to be patient when I deal with him on Auntie's off day. I wanted him to live longer, so he had to have his daily subcutaneous, food, medicine and supplements. No compromise even when I have to take more time and clean up his mess. I will miss feeding and fighting with him....

Over a week prior to his departure, Oscar had been weak. He could not jump onto the sofa to sleep next to me when I napped. His hind legs had lost its muscles. He would gather just enough strength to drag himself to the bin. He no longer could eat and drink on his own. He just did not have the strength to move. He was always lying and looking down. He could not cry or muster a voice. He looked really miserable. My heart ached when he wet himself before he could get up to go to the bin. His condition had deteriorated very fast. I could not no longer see him living like that. He was suffering, and I am just selfish thinking to hang onto him despite his conditions. He was dying. My daily prayers for him to live longer was not working. God has other plans, and I have to accept it. I have to let him go.
There is so much to say, but it is so painful and hurting inside. Oscar, you had given me 16 years of joy, fun, and love. I will treasure those memories in my heart. Farewell My Love. I will miss you always....