I have the 50-200mm for 2 months and finally had the opportunity to use it outdoor. The chance came when the wife needed to have her pedicure. Since it would not take long, I thought why not do some shooting nearby while she has her nails done. After a quick brunch, I left her for one of my favourite photography hunts....
After today's session, Wessex estate would come top as my favourite shooting location. There are many photo opportunities in this neighbourhood, and I could take a day to fulfil my shooting therapy. I do wish no further developments would take place to this estate, and hope the authority could preserve it forever.
And another travel trip awaiting....
...Wessex estate at Portsdown Road.
Wessex has many b&w colonial houses and apartments.
The estate provides a housing option to those who prefer a laid back environment.
Nestled in lush greenery and away from the crowded housing estates.
The estate exudes a tranquil and relaxing mood.
The forgotten swing.
Tender green fingers.
Missing its owner.
Power nap.

Catch as much forty winks as possible.
Time to get back to work.
Vintage car
Catching the sun.
Missing an arm.
Out in the open.

Residents of the estate

Walking the dog.


Strolling up the path.
Waiting for a swing
Whose turn is it anyway?

Overflowing shoes.

Lovely chairs.


The playground.

Someone has to do it.

In the shade.
Stay out!
Golden roots.
Hanging vines.
When the rain comes.
Guarding rails.

And another travel trip awaiting....